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Auditioning with Physicality & Props

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

7pm - 8:30pm PDT

$35 (GST Included)

Prerequisites: None

What do you do when your sides say that you need to run, fight, kiss, eat, sleep, die?

How much can you move?

Is it okay to use a prop?

Where should you look?

Many actors come across as rigid talking heads in their auditions because they don’t include their whole instrument, their body, in the process! Acting is reacting and we can respond to the characters and the events around us with more than just our given dialogue. Increase your storytelling toolkit to include props, blocking, movement, gesture, and opinionated eyelines.

Concepts explored in this workshop include: 

  • Blocking & Eyelines - your options & their impact 

  • What the script says to do vs what makes sense 

  • Using props strategically - when are they helpful 

  • Transitioning from one location to another 

  • And more!

Read more about Laine and Bronwen in their bios below.

You need to take this if you are: 

  • Feeling uncomfortable moving your body during an audition 

  • Keep getting auditions with lots of movement/props and don’t know how to prepare them 

  • Wanting to level up the believability of your performance

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to enrich your approach to auditions by fully embodying your character, endowing your props, and moving with intention in the defined environment you’ve created.

Spots are limited so register today!

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