About The Drama Class
The Beginning
Founded in January 2012, The Drama Class was established by film industry professional and acting instructor, Michele Partridge. Her vision was born out of a need for creative spaces where emerging performing artists could cultivate their craft. Located in White Rock, British Columbia, The Drama Class was a nurturing haven for actors to explore and develop their talents.
Adapting to Challenges
In April 2020, The Drama Class faced an unexpected challenge with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we made the difficult decision to close our beloved studio. However, this setback didn't deter us. We swiftly adapted to the new reality by transitioning our programs to an online format, ensuring that our students could continue to receive quality training, support, and community from the safety of their homes.
Our Global Reach
What started as a local endeavor has evolved to transcend borders. Today, we proudly serve a diverse community of students not only across North America but also in countries as far-reaching as Australia, the United Kingdom, Greece, and Dubai.
The 4 Cs: The Pillars of a Career

“I have observed that most actors are inclined to spend nearly 100% of their efforts on only 50% of the job.
And then, they wonder why they don’t get better results.
Actors need to develop The 4Cs, not just the two
that they automatically gravitate towards”
~ Catherine Lough Haggquist

Where it all begins...
Many actors feel that acting is their creative OUTLET but do not prioritize the need to explore and replenish their creative INPUTS as well. The first step to being an actor is to recognize and cultivate an appreciation for creativity in many forms and across multiple approaches.
Building skills...
The next step after exploring and cultivating creativity is converting those instincts and impulses into skills that allow one to authentically express (perform, act, tell the story, create characters) in a way that is technically consistent, adaptable and believable in the world of the story.
How the money works...
Too often when the discussion of anything money related starts, artists get anxious. It can feel confusing, limiting and like it is a distraction from creating. Knowing how you add VALUE as an actor by maximizing opportunities within the systems and assessments used throughout the entertainment industry, offers actors a new confidence around the JOB of being an actor.
The key to collaboration...
Acting is a craft that is typically performed in community with other artists and craftspeople. Building a career as an actor requires the support of a team. Knowing how to effectively communicate with these different groups of people, as well as with the public, is an important and often overlooked building block of success within a competitive business.